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Our commitments as a mission-driven company

June 2024

The law on the growth and transformation of businesses, known as the 2019 Pacte law, introduces the status of "mission-driven company". It allows a company to publicly state its status as a mission-driven company by specifying its "raison d'être" as well as one or more social and environmental objectives that the company has set itself as a mission to pursue in the course of its business. Since its creation, IDOYA has sought to include such commitments in its status.






Our "raison d'être" is an integral part of our company's status and is based on three main objectives: 

  1. To support managers and their teams in their transformation towards a desirable, sustainable future;

  2. To offer an inclusive vision of the transformation that enables all the stakeholders to be included, by encouraging the co-construction and development of employees, managers and project teams;

  3. Implementing internal management methods that encourage innovation and individual development, with a reduced impact on the environment and operating as an extended enterprise.


The mission-driven company includes a verification system, which is an essential counterpart to the freedom given to the company to define its statutory objectives. The verification procedures stipulate that a mission committee is responsible for this monitoring. For instance, a mission report is published each year.

IDOYA's purpose is to drive inclusive transformations that are common goods for their stakeholders

This verification system is completed by the obligation to have the implementation of social and environmental objectives verified by an independent third-party organisation. In 2024, the Independent Third Party Organisation Aupeam has audited IDOYA as a mission-driven company. The audit findings are available in this audit notice.


We have joined the Community of Mission-driven Companies, the leading association in France on the topic of mission-driven companies. The community brings together and mobilises more than 300 members: companies of all sizes and sectors, start-ups, consultancies and researchers. It leads and unites the community by organising webinars for the general public, monthly workshops on specific themes, breakfasts to meet other stakeholders and create synergies, and training courses (for example, how to run a mission-driven company, the mission-driven company fresco to challenge missions). 


We are also featured on the "Observatory of Mission Companies" (Observatoire des Sociétés à Mission), the reference platform for mission-driven companies in France. This platform aims to identify mission-driven companies in France, share their approaches with companies looking to undertake this transformation, and support academic research with case studies and feedback. Additionally, it provides public authorities with key benchmarks for monitoring the adoption of the PACTE law (2019). Discover our page here.

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