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From ideas to action:
Meeting the challenge of inclusive, effective, and sustainable transformation

What we believe

Involving the stakeholders as early as possible in a transformation guarantees the success of the its implementation. Indeed, the implementation phase concerns all stakeholders and represents 80% of the effort to be made.

This effort focuses mainly on the human aspect of change (more than the technical one), in all its dimensions (organizational, managerial, professional, cultural, social).


Leading a transformation in an inclusive way is a winning bet to:

  • Accelerate the transition by reducing uncertainty and focusing energies on the right place at the right time

  • Sustainably embed the changes in teams' daily work 

Our speciality

We are specialized in delivering inclusive transformation: we involve internal and external stakeholders as early as possible to accelerate and embed the change at all levels of the organization, right down to the day-to-day work of teams.

Notre conviction

IDOYA's purpose is to drive inclusive transformations that are common goods for their stakeholders


Our fields of expertise

Schéma offre IDOYA sans texte

Organization, Business practices & operating modes

Leadership  Management & Culture



Transformation management



IDOYA in a few words

IDOYA is "entreprise à mission" since its creation, to make the transformation project's implementation a common good for all stakeholders.


Certified B Corp since February 2024, we are putting in place a collaborative governance structure and an ambitious action plan to deliver on our commitments.

IDOYA is a multi-generational, passionate and united team for which "team life" is key.

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IDOYA's key milestones


April 2022

IDOYA obtains the Pending B Corp status to help build a responsible business strategy

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February 2023

IDOYA is officially a training organization and obtains its Qualiopi certification


February 2024
IDOYA obtains its B Corp certification

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January 2023

IDOYA is ranked by Décideurs Magazine as "highly recommended" in the ranking of the best HR, transformation & change management consulting firms


January 2024
IDOYA is once more ranked by Decideurs Magazine as "highly recommended" 


Watch the replay of IDOYA's presentation on BFM Business!  

Elodie Soubigou, President and co-founder talks about what makes IDOYA unique, the scope of our offer, our working methodology, our development plan... and a few examples of projects we have recently supported.​

Présentation IDOYA sur BFM Business
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